Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Portfolio exercise #7

Ethnocentrism Assignment : Portfolio exercise #7
1.    Read about Ethnocentrism

2.    List three examples of ethnocentrism from history

A-Nazi Germany by Adolf Hitler.
B-the "Mandate of Heaven" proliferated by the Chinese philosopher Confucias.
C-The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare.

3.    What country is known for being ethnocentric today?
4.    What is the famous quote from Shylock which reminds all of us of our humanity?

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not seek revenge?"

5.    Look at the two maps of ethnocentric Americans and Ethnocentric Indians.

Ethnocentric America

Ethnocentric India

6.  Now make a map showing how Emiratis see the world.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Portfolio exercise #6

Adverse Reactions to Diversity – Portfolio exercise #6

Course:      Cultural Diversity                                  Code:  LSSS N205

Name:Eissa AlMehairi                             ID#H00269455                    

With a partner, please answer the following. You may use internet resources to help you.

1.      Define:
a.       Stereotyping: An exaggerated belief, image about a person or a group of people.

b.      Prejudice: An opinion, prejudgment or attitude about a group or its individual members.
c.       Bias: A cause to feel against some people especially in a way considered to be unfair.
d.      Discrimination: Behavior that treats people unequally because of their group membership.

2.      Give an example of each.
a.      All teachers are smart.
b.         All Saudis are stupid.
c.         Non- locals are treated not as well as locals.
d.         It is where some of them are racist; they hate people from different nationalities.

Watch Class Divided
ü Understanding
With partners, answer the following:

1.      Where, when and with whom did this experiment take place? 

        - In 1950, primary school in a grade 3 classroom.  
2.       Describe the experiment.  
 -It was based on children eyes, in a day the blue eye children are smarter, in the next day the brown eye children are the smarter.

3.      What were the results?    

         -it was affective, they thought that they are out of the group.
4.      How successful do you believe it was?  
       -I believe that it was very successful also after they grew up. 

Going Deeper
In groups of four, discuss the following:

Ø  a time she or he experienced prejudice or discrimination

-I was in Spain, and stayed in a apartment locate in a place where there are all Spanish people there, they saw me as stranger; where the police came and searched me.

Ø  a time she or he discriminated against somebody else

-An emirate person shout on Indian guy to go away because he is not-local.

Ø  a time she or he witnessed discrimination and did nothing about it

-I saw a Bengali guy get beat up by his boss because he didn’t get that little job done, I didn’t do anything because I was with my family.

Ø  a time she or he witnessed discrimination and did something about it.

-I saw an employee get hit by his boss in a coffee shop because he broke a cup of tea, I advised him after he recognized his mistake and he apologized to the employee.

personal reflection - Culture diversity Film

While doing this video me and my group search on the internet about the things that each one of us will talk about it in the video and that’s make us know more about our culture and heritage.
I was the leader and each one of us has a responsibility, that’s help me to know where I am going and what I am doing and improve my leading skills.
 We record our video in the heritage village, the place where our culture and heritage still exist, this place help us very much to record the video easily because we can find there a tourists that we ask them about our culture and know about their culture also we find a museum where we can talk about our old artifacts that we cannot find it at home.

Thanks god for the good group that I work with, we was working together in a plan that I put with a time for each idea we will talk about and that’s help as to finish our work in time, I specially thank Esmaeil for his good job on editing the video and post it on youtube.