Monday, October 21, 2013

personal reflection - Culture diversity Film

While doing this video me and my group search on the internet about the things that each one of us will talk about it in the video and that’s make us know more about our culture and heritage.
I was the leader and each one of us has a responsibility, that’s help me to know where I am going and what I am doing and improve my leading skills.
 We record our video in the heritage village, the place where our culture and heritage still exist, this place help us very much to record the video easily because we can find there a tourists that we ask them about our culture and know about their culture also we find a museum where we can talk about our old artifacts that we cannot find it at home.

Thanks god for the good group that I work with, we was working together in a plan that I put with a time for each idea we will talk about and that’s help as to finish our work in time, I specially thank Esmaeil for his good job on editing the video and post it on youtube.

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