Monday, October 21, 2013

Portfolio exercise #6

Adverse Reactions to Diversity – Portfolio exercise #6

Course:      Cultural Diversity                                  Code:  LSSS N205

Name:Eissa AlMehairi                             ID#H00269455                    

With a partner, please answer the following. You may use internet resources to help you.

1.      Define:
a.       Stereotyping: An exaggerated belief, image about a person or a group of people.

b.      Prejudice: An opinion, prejudgment or attitude about a group or its individual members.
c.       Bias: A cause to feel against some people especially in a way considered to be unfair.
d.      Discrimination: Behavior that treats people unequally because of their group membership.

2.      Give an example of each.
a.      All teachers are smart.
b.         All Saudis are stupid.
c.         Non- locals are treated not as well as locals.
d.         It is where some of them are racist; they hate people from different nationalities.

Watch Class Divided
ü Understanding
With partners, answer the following:

1.      Where, when and with whom did this experiment take place? 

        - In 1950, primary school in a grade 3 classroom.  
2.       Describe the experiment.  
 -It was based on children eyes, in a day the blue eye children are smarter, in the next day the brown eye children are the smarter.

3.      What were the results?    

         -it was affective, they thought that they are out of the group.
4.      How successful do you believe it was?  
       -I believe that it was very successful also after they grew up. 

Going Deeper
In groups of four, discuss the following:

Ø  a time she or he experienced prejudice or discrimination

-I was in Spain, and stayed in a apartment locate in a place where there are all Spanish people there, they saw me as stranger; where the police came and searched me.

Ø  a time she or he discriminated against somebody else

-An emirate person shout on Indian guy to go away because he is not-local.

Ø  a time she or he witnessed discrimination and did nothing about it

-I saw a Bengali guy get beat up by his boss because he didn’t get that little job done, I didn’t do anything because I was with my family.

Ø  a time she or he witnessed discrimination and did something about it.

-I saw an employee get hit by his boss in a coffee shop because he broke a cup of tea, I advised him after he recognized his mistake and he apologized to the employee.

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